Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Angel Apprentice Giveaway!

Hi guys,
in a post before this one I was writing in Bahasa (the Indonesian language) about jogging and the running competition held in my neighborhood. For those you who don't speak Bahasa I hope the translate tool on the right of my blog works perfectly :)

I was writing in Bahasa because I entered the post in a blog competition. (To find out more about the competition, please click here). 

Anyways, I need people to comment on my post as one of the terms of the competition, so please feel free to write your comment underneath the "Jogging, My Best Living Moment" post.

As my gratitude to your kindness, I'm giving away this awesome book by Sir Richard Branson, Screw Business As Usual.
HOT, isn't it? Are you excited? ^_^ I know I am because this is my first time giving away something to my blog readers. Yeaaayy!

I will draw your names by November 15th, so make sure you don't miss it, or even better, also tell your friends about it :)

Thanks so much for your time, I can't wait to read your comments!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

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