Wednesday, July 31, 2013


For me, my journey of learning began when my brother suggested that I read the book The Science of Getting Rich (SOGR) by Wallace D. Wattles. It's a really fantastic book written in 1910, about how to attract abundance to your life.
My brother also found this wonderful course SOGR for Practical Geniuses by Rebecca Fine. It's a very interesting course with exercises included to understand more and to apply the SOGR principles in real life. Really, really cool. 

While doing this course I actually found that money starts flowing to my bank account, so thank you Nico (my brother), Ms. Fine and Mr. Wattles *big grin*. You can check out Rebecca's website here, or find the online course here. You can also find the free ebook of SOGR here. There is also the full audio book you can find right here.

I noted this in my journal somewhere along the way, so sorry that I didn’t write down to whom this belongs to, it’s kinda the summary of The Law of Gratitude:
You must remember that we live in an abundant universe. There’s always enough for everyone, and you’re not taking anything from anyone if you want your life to be abundant.
  • Non-resistance: don’t argue with what is/with the reality we are in. Just accept, and remind yourself, that you’re the one to decide whether to call the situation good or bad (and my suggestion is you call it GOOD and then go to the next point).
  • Find the good in everything. (Yes, there is always good in everything if we look hard enough :D)
  • Always be happy and grateful right where we are.
  • Forgive others (and do it right away!)
  • Give, give, and give.

The last point is one of the reasons why I created this blog :) 
I know there are sooo many smart people out there, who have read tons and tons of books, have a lot of knowledge and wisdom inside them... but here I am, trying to share something that is new to me, and I still have so much to learn. I hope that my writings enlighten you in some way anyways hehehe...

More to the Law of Gratitude, you might also want to read Wes Hopper’s free ebook The Astonishing Power of Gratitude! which will be emailed to you for FREE after you sign up for Daily Gratitude newsletter. Please go to this site.

I end this post by quoting Mr. Wattles himself:

And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

Many blessings, peace and love

-angel apprentice-

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