Tuesday, October 29, 2013

See The Perfection

When you see your life right now, what do you see? 
Do you see the successful you, with life so fulfilled, all your dreams and wishes come true? Or do you see a broken you, struggling, kicking and screaming to life, asking miserably: 'why me'?

Well, I have great news for you! Are you ready? Here we go:

Nothing is going wrong in your life. Your life is perfect right now.

Surprised? Don't believe what you're reading? :)
Well... it's true. Your life is perfect right now. In fact, it's never been NOT perfect.
Then what about all those 'disasters' that I had to cope in my life, you might ask.
The explanation is as simple as that, you wouldn't know that you are a being of LIGHT without being in the darkness. You wouldn't know that you are a burning candle if you're always put in the sunlight. So you need all the darkness, the situation of being in the dark, to express more of who you really are :) You need the situation where you can express forgiveness, compassion, understanding, love, and all other wonderful traits that you are.
Beautiful, don't you think? It really can shift your life when you change your way of thinking.

So the next time you are 'put in the dark', don't forget to be grateful. Gratitude is the attitude. Just simply say: thank you, God, for a chance to once again demonstrate who I really am.

If you want what you have, you will ultimately have what you want :)

I learned this profound teaching from Neale Donald Walsch. You might already familiar with Mr. Walsch's bestselling book, Conversations with God. Go here to visit Mr. Walsch's website :) He is also having a 7-week online course which you might want to check out right here.

See you next time!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

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