Hi guys,
for those of you who are so into meditation, or just begin to learn meditating, you might want to check another 21 Day Meditation Experience by Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra.
I highly recommend you to join this invitation, because the last time I joined the program it was totally awesome. The audio recording was great, the meditation was profound and enlightening. This time the theme is "Desire & Destiny" and it will start on November 11, 2013. So hurry up and register here for FREE.
Don't forget also to join the angel apprentice blog giveaway, please click here or the link below for more info.
Wherever you are on Earth, you can submit your entry to the giveaway and win the prize. So just go ahead and also tell your friends! Thank you all so much in advance :)
Until next time...
Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
See The Perfection
When you see your life right now, what do you see?
Do you see the successful you, with life so fulfilled, all your dreams and wishes come true? Or do you see a broken you, struggling, kicking and screaming to life, asking miserably: 'why me'?
Well, I have great news for you! Are you ready? Here we go:
Nothing is going wrong in your life. Your life is perfect right now.
Surprised? Don't believe what you're reading? :)
Well... it's true. Your life is perfect right now. In fact, it's never been NOT perfect.
Then what about all those 'disasters' that I had to cope in my life, you might ask.
The explanation is as simple as that, you wouldn't know that you are a being of LIGHT without being in the darkness. You wouldn't know that you are a burning candle if you're always put in the sunlight. So you need all the darkness, the situation of being in the dark, to express more of who you really are :) You need the situation where you can express forgiveness, compassion, understanding, love, and all other wonderful traits that you are.
Beautiful, don't you think? It really can shift your life when you change your way of thinking.
So the next time you are 'put in the dark', don't forget to be grateful. Gratitude is the attitude. Just simply say: thank you, God, for a chance to once again demonstrate who I really am.
If you want what you have, you will ultimately have what you want :)
I learned this profound teaching from Neale Donald Walsch. You might already familiar with Mr. Walsch's bestselling book, Conversations with God. Go here to visit Mr. Walsch's website :) He is also having a 7-week online course which you might want to check out right here.
See you next time!
Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-
Do you see the successful you, with life so fulfilled, all your dreams and wishes come true? Or do you see a broken you, struggling, kicking and screaming to life, asking miserably: 'why me'?
Well, I have great news for you! Are you ready? Here we go:
Nothing is going wrong in your life. Your life is perfect right now.
Surprised? Don't believe what you're reading? :)
Well... it's true. Your life is perfect right now. In fact, it's never been NOT perfect.
Then what about all those 'disasters' that I had to cope in my life, you might ask.
The explanation is as simple as that, you wouldn't know that you are a being of LIGHT without being in the darkness. You wouldn't know that you are a burning candle if you're always put in the sunlight. So you need all the darkness, the situation of being in the dark, to express more of who you really are :) You need the situation where you can express forgiveness, compassion, understanding, love, and all other wonderful traits that you are.
Beautiful, don't you think? It really can shift your life when you change your way of thinking.
So the next time you are 'put in the dark', don't forget to be grateful. Gratitude is the attitude. Just simply say: thank you, God, for a chance to once again demonstrate who I really am.
If you want what you have, you will ultimately have what you want :)
I learned this profound teaching from Neale Donald Walsch. You might already familiar with Mr. Walsch's bestselling book, Conversations with God. Go here to visit Mr. Walsch's website :) He is also having a 7-week online course which you might want to check out right here.
See you next time!
Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-
Friday, October 18, 2013
Turning On Your Intuition
Hi guys,
in this post I'd like to share something that I learned from Sonia Choquette's book, Ask Your Guides, and through her interview in the Hay House World Summit 2013.
So here they are, the 4 steps process to turn on your intuition and make it work:
1. Be open to it.
The first step to turn on your intuition is to open your heart and mind to it. If you shut your heart and mind to your guidance, how can it possibly come to you in the first place, right?
2. Expect it.
Furthermore, you must expect it to happen, expect it to come to you. The more you expect it, the more it will come to you.
3. Trust it, name it.
Here it means that you shouldn't justify it. Just trust it whether you think it's weird or peculiar. Speak your guidance out loud every time you get it, and see how it feels as you do. Sonia said, if you name it, you claim it :)
4. Act on it.
Start to trust your guidance and act on it. Maybe you could try in small ways first until you're more comfortable with it and see the positive results. Just take your time and enjoy! Then you can move on to more serious questions.
Btw, you can check out Sonia's website right here. She also has this new book Tune In, Follow Your Intuition From Fear to Flow that you might want to check out also right here (it's an affiliate link).
So... are you ready to establish an easy and flowing communication with your guides? I certainly hope you are! :)
Oh and don't forget my angel apprentice blog giveaway that you wouldn't want to miss! Please tell your friends also, thanks a bunch before :)
Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Angel Apprentice Giveaway!
Hi guys,
in a post before this one I was writing in Bahasa (the Indonesian language) about jogging and the running competition held in my neighborhood. For those you who don't speak Bahasa I hope the translate tool on the right of my blog works perfectly :)
I was writing in Bahasa because I entered the post in a blog competition. (To find out more about the competition, please click here).
Anyways, I need people to comment on my post as one of the terms of the competition, so please feel free to write your comment underneath the "Jogging, My Best Living Moment" post.
As my gratitude to your kindness, I'm giving away this awesome book by Sir Richard Branson, Screw Business As Usual.
HOT, isn't it? Are you excited? ^_^ I know I am because this is my first time giving away something to my blog readers. Yeaaayy!
I will draw your names by November 15th, so make sure you don't miss it, or even better, also tell your friends about it :)
Thanks so much for your time, I can't wait to read your comments!
Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-
in a post before this one I was writing in Bahasa (the Indonesian language) about jogging and the running competition held in my neighborhood. For those you who don't speak Bahasa I hope the translate tool on the right of my blog works perfectly :)
I was writing in Bahasa because I entered the post in a blog competition. (To find out more about the competition, please click here).
Anyways, I need people to comment on my post as one of the terms of the competition, so please feel free to write your comment underneath the "Jogging, My Best Living Moment" post.
As my gratitude to your kindness, I'm giving away this awesome book by Sir Richard Branson, Screw Business As Usual.
HOT, isn't it? Are you excited? ^_^ I know I am because this is my first time giving away something to my blog readers. Yeaaayy!
I will draw your names by November 15th, so make sure you don't miss it, or even better, also tell your friends about it :)
Thanks so much for your time, I can't wait to read your comments!
Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-
Monday, October 7, 2013
Jogging, My Best Living Moment
Saya lahir dan
dibesarkan di Jakarta. Waktu saya kecil (kira-kira tiga dekade lalu), Jakarta
belum sepadat sekarang. Percaya atau tidak, udaranya masih sejuk dan bersih,
terlebih di pagi hari. Kicauan burung di pepohonan masih terdengar bersahut-sahutan
dengan kokok ayam jantan tetangga. Tidak mengherankan jika pada masa itu
keluarga kami punya kebiasaan bangun pagi dan berolahraga di taman dekat rumah.
Di situlah saya rutin bersepeda ataupun jogging.
Latihan lari atau
jogging memang baik bagi kesehatan, terlebih bila dilakukan di alam bebas. Dalam
sebuah studi di tahun 2011 yang dimuat di Medicine
& Science in Sports & Exercise ditemukan bahwa orang yang berjalan
di luar ruangan memiliki langkah lebih cepat, lebih sedikit mengerahkan tenaga,
dan mengalami emosi positif lebih banyak daripada mereka yang berjalan di atas
treadmill di dalam ruangan. Mantan Presiden AS Ronald Reagan, bahkan pernah
berkomentar bahwa kegiatan olahraga di luar ruang “berharga seperti hidup itu
Kini setelah dewasa
dan membina rumah tangga, beruntung sekali saya bisa tinggal di sebuah kawasan asri
yang geliat pembangunannya berdetak sangat dinamis.
Kawasan yang saya maksud adalah BSD City di Tangerang Selatan. Kawasan yang
dikembangkan oleh grup properti terkemuka Sinar Mas Land ini telah beberapa
kali memenangkan berbagai penghargaan bergengsi, di antaranya Indonesia Green
Award 2011 melalui BSD Green Office Park. Kawasan perkantoran ini mendapat
penghargaan karena dapat meredam panas matahari, menyerap air hujan,
menekan polusi, dan menurunkan suhu lingkungan sehingga produktivitas kerja
bisa meningkat. (Klik di sini untuk mengetahui tentang Sinar Mas Land)
My son Rafa and me in front of BSD Green Office Park |
Sejak tinggal di
kawasan BSD City, saya kembali akrab dengan olahraga jogging. Sebisa mungkin
saya menyempatkan diri mampir ke Taman Kota untuk berolahraga selama 30 menit-1
jam selepas mengantarkan si kecil ke sekolah.
Oleh karena itu saya sangat
bersemangat ketika mengetahui bahwa BSD City terpilih menjadi tuan rumah ajang
Adidas King of The Road (KOTR) 2013. KOTR
adalah lomba lari yang diadakan di 5 negara di Asia Tenggara: Filipina,
Singapura, Thailand, Indonesia, dan Malaysia dengan total pelari yang berpartisipasi sebanyak
33.400 orang. Di Indonesia, Adidas KOTR 2013 mengusung tema “All In For
Indonesia” dan diadakan pada Minggu pagi, 29 September yang lalu, dengan titik
start/finish di BSD Green Office Park. Ada tiga jarak lari yang dilombakan, yaitu 16,8 km, 10 km, dan 5 km. (Klik di sini untuk mengetahui lebih banyak mengenai event KOTR 2013).
Walaupun saya melakukan
jogging just for fun, tapi rasanya menantang juga untuk mengikuti
lomba bergengsi bertaraf internasional seperti KOTR.
Namun apa mau
dikata, ternyata saya terlambat
mendaftar sebagai peserta dalam ajang ini :(. Meskipun demikian, tidak surut
semangat saya dan keluarga untuk hadir sebagai penonton. Kami bersenang-senang
menyaksikan ribuan pelari yang turut berlomba.
The 10K runners: awesome with their colorful jerseys :) |
Could you count how many runners were in this pic? |
Warna-warni jersey mereka membuat suasana pagi itu menjadi cerah. Anak saya berjoget-joget mengikuti tabuhan drum para pemusik ketika bendera tanda start siap diangkat.
Drummers and DJ added spirit to the runners |
The 5K runners: here comes the flag |
Wow, benar-benar fantastis! Hebatnya, dengan ribuan peserta yang berpartisipasi, lomba tetap bisa berjalan lancar dan seru. Selamat untuk semua peserta, panitia, dan tentu saja para pemenang. Awesome event! Watching this was definitely one of my best living moment!
(Klik di sini untuk mengetahui hasil lengkap lomba).
Sebagai penutup, berikut sedikit kata-kata penyemangat untuk kita semua agar kita terus memacu diri menjadi lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi:
“If you challenge yourself, you
will grow. Your life will change. Your outlook will be positive.
It’s not always easy to reach your
goals but that’s no reason to stop. Never say die. Say to yourself ‘I can do
it. I’ll keep on trying until I win.'”
~Richard Branson~
~Richard Branson~
Siap-siap, tahun depan pasti saya tidak akan ketinggalan!
Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-
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