Friday, September 20, 2013

Ignoring Guidance

Once upon a day, while I was walking from the bus stop to get to the nearest angkot (see pic above), suddenly I had this thought in my mind: the ojek is better. When I passed by some ojeks that are parked on the pavement, the thought came again in my mind: better take the ojek. This time I even felt a happy feeling inside my heart and I couldn't help but smiled.

I continued walking and didn't follow that guidance. Every time after taking the bus I had always taken the angkot, so I got into the first angkot I saw.

At first it was okay, but when we reached this flyover, the road began to ascend steeply and the angkot being full with passangers could not make its way up. So the driver told us to get off the car and walk up until the top of the flyover. The flyover only had a narrow pavement for people to walk, so one by one all 6 or 7 of us walked to the top.

When the angkot finally made it to the top, the driver told us to quickly enter the car again, because the traffic behind it were pretty hectic and people had started to horn angrily. Me, trying as fast as I could to get in, kinda banged the top of my head to the angkot door (it was pretty small door, if you ask me, you need to litterally bend over in half to get in). I got so dizzy and my head hurt so baaaaddddd :'( and some people who were already inside the angkot were trying so hard not to laugh at me :(

From that moment on I made a pledge to never ignore my guides again. I've learnt my lesson well :)

Here is something I got from Sonia Choquette's book, Ask Your Guides:
Part of learning to communicate with your guides is to become fluent in the subtle art of symbols and signs, and respond to them when they show up. The more you recognize them, the more they'll make sense to you.
Furthermore, Sonia stated: Not being receptive to guidance is perhaps the greatest obstacle you'll have to overcome if your want to communicate with your guides. After all, it's hard to receive suggestions if your mind is made up.

I've followed Sonia's work for some time, listened and watched the interviews where she taught mostly about six sensory living. Really love her! You might want to check her site here, or look up for her interview also on Youtube

Until next time, my dear friends!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

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