Monday, September 16, 2013

One Step Closer to Your Dream

Hi guys,
today I'm back with something that I got from Marcia Wieder Show (you might want to attend her weekly show right here). 
Marcia said that the difference between a dream and a fantasy is: ACTION. 
If you have a dream and you do nothing or take no action about it, it will remain a fantasy (really cool idea, huh?) 

One fantastic quote from Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan, founder of Kalbe Farma Tbk, a large pharmaceutical company in Indonesia (as stated in Intisari magazine):
"Many people are too busy talking that they forget to work, so one becomes NATO (No Action, Talk Only), or TANoR (Talk, Action, No Result). What we must embody is TAR, which is Talk, Act, Result"

To take one closer step to your dream, Marcia suggested that we make some projects out of it. What is a project?
  • it's something that you're passionate about
  • it moves you toward your dream
  • it's specific and measurable
  • it can be done in less than one month

What are the steps or the strategies that we should do in order to reach our dream? Here's a really powerful list from Marcia (I love how she always gives this clear step by step to-do lists :D):
  • Write your dream in as much as detail as possible
  • Pick a piece of the dream and turn it into a project
  • Break down the project into action steps
  • Put the action steps in chronological order
  • Identify what resources you need, in what areas do you need any help
  • Do powerful enrollment conversations (more info about it here)
  • Do something every day that shows you are more committed to your dream than to your fear, doubt or reality :)

So, no more delays... Let's begin our first project :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

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