Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My First Tarot Deck

I've been wanting to have a Tarot cards deck since high school, so I'm thrilled when my Angel Tarot Cards arrived in the mail last week. They are gorgeous! You can get your own deck here.

Though I'm a big fan of Tarot for its renowned accuracy, I knew nothing about Tarot cards, so to speak. I didn't know what each card means, I didn't know how to do a reading, I wasn't even sure whether I shuffle the cards correctly :)

Here's some info I got so far: basically the Tarot deck consists of 2 parts, the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, while the Minor Arcana consists of 4 suits of fire, water, air and earth. Each suit consists of 14 cards. 

To do a reading, there are several Tarot spreads, such as the Three-Card Spread, The Celtic Cross Spread, The Love Spread, etc.

I tried to do myself and my husband a reading based on the booklet included with my Tarot cards, and just by looking at the meaning of the cards the results of the readings were pretty accurate :) The main obstacle for me to do a reading is that my 2-year-old son keeps on grabbing the cards that I just put down in order. So I need to wait until he's asleep to practice doing a reading.

This morning I find this great site about Tarot reading and learning, which is very helpful and informative for me as a beginner. Thank you Kate for sharing your knowledge with the world. You might want to check Kate's site here

So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to continue practice my Tarot reading :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

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