Friday, August 30, 2013

Messy Me

Yup, that's the look of my desk at the office. I sit kind of in the middle of it, so the left pic is actually at my left arm, and the right pic is at my right arm. In front of me is my dearly beloved computer :) 

I don't even remember when was the last time I cleaned up my desk... perhaps around 6 months ago (please don't frown). But somehow it always gets back looking so messy with piles of stuff everywhere.

According to Lindsay Kenny (you can check her site right here), there are 3 levels of clutter:
  • Level 1: it's just messy with dust everywhere, can be cleaned in an hour or two.
  • Level 2: it's messy and the clutter is also in your environment (your car, office, etc.)
  • Level 3: pathological level, really unsanitary, and can create a health risk (animal poop lying around, dirty dishes, garbage everywhere)

Lindsay said that clutter actually comes from traumatic event or series of traumatic events in your life, such as loss of your loved ones, divorce, bankruptcy, or failure in business. After that life altering event then you just don't care or stop living, so to speak. 
Lindsay also said that clutter is an issue of wanting to be in control. You might say: if I can be in control I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happens again in my life, or if I don't put anything away I would know where everything is. The second sentence really speaks my mind LOUDLY :)

Here comes the juicy part: how to eliminate clutter from your life?
  • Get rid of all the guilt and embarrassment for having the clutter problem.
  • Deal with the cause.
  • Write down what you want, how your life would be different, and how would you feel. For example: I want beautiful house, or clean, neat, orderly environment which will make me feel good and confident.

After hearing this information from The Tapping World Summit 2013 (you might want to check the site here), I assumed that I stand at level 1 (and don't intend to go to the next level). I remember my best friends gathered up to clean my house before my wedding, and my two best friends from office were actually tidying up my desk while I took my maternity leave several years ago :) So I guess I should dedicate this post to them. Thanks so much Airin, Nyunyu, Jaja, and Alma! I love you guys so much!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

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