Friday, August 30, 2013

Messy Me

Yup, that's the look of my desk at the office. I sit kind of in the middle of it, so the left pic is actually at my left arm, and the right pic is at my right arm. In front of me is my dearly beloved computer :) 

I don't even remember when was the last time I cleaned up my desk... perhaps around 6 months ago (please don't frown). But somehow it always gets back looking so messy with piles of stuff everywhere.

According to Lindsay Kenny (you can check her site right here), there are 3 levels of clutter:
  • Level 1: it's just messy with dust everywhere, can be cleaned in an hour or two.
  • Level 2: it's messy and the clutter is also in your environment (your car, office, etc.)
  • Level 3: pathological level, really unsanitary, and can create a health risk (animal poop lying around, dirty dishes, garbage everywhere)

Lindsay said that clutter actually comes from traumatic event or series of traumatic events in your life, such as loss of your loved ones, divorce, bankruptcy, or failure in business. After that life altering event then you just don't care or stop living, so to speak. 
Lindsay also said that clutter is an issue of wanting to be in control. You might say: if I can be in control I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happens again in my life, or if I don't put anything away I would know where everything is. The second sentence really speaks my mind LOUDLY :)

Here comes the juicy part: how to eliminate clutter from your life?
  • Get rid of all the guilt and embarrassment for having the clutter problem.
  • Deal with the cause.
  • Write down what you want, how your life would be different, and how would you feel. For example: I want beautiful house, or clean, neat, orderly environment which will make me feel good and confident.

After hearing this information from The Tapping World Summit 2013 (you might want to check the site here), I assumed that I stand at level 1 (and don't intend to go to the next level). I remember my best friends gathered up to clean my house before my wedding, and my two best friends from office were actually tidying up my desk while I took my maternity leave several years ago :) So I guess I should dedicate this post to them. Thanks so much Airin, Nyunyu, Jaja, and Alma! I love you guys so much!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Learn Some Movements

I'm so grateful that I have such a wonderful family. My mom was very supportive, she encouraged us a lot to learn many things that I found later in life are actually really useful :). Though I rebelled a lot when I was a kid (they said second child would likely rebel), I had a pretty good, happy childhood. 

My mom passed away of breast cancer about 16 years ago. My dad (he's 70 years old) had 2 times 'mild' stroke in the past 3 years. I called it mild because thank goodness it didn't harm him a lot, he didn't have to stay at the hospital, he just had his hands weaker for some time, but then he soon recovered. The only thing that's still bothering him until today is that he's having a trouble with his neck. It's hard for him to turn his neck to the left and right. 

My dad loved to jog, swim, and cycling trough our neighborhood before the stroke attacks. He did this routine exercise every day, sometimes twice a day in the morning and evening. So you can imagine how miserable he was after the stroke, that he couldn't do his exercise routine for quite some time.  

One day he decided that he was healthy enough to go on his bike, but because it was hard for him to move his neck, he got hit by a bajaj (see pic above). The streets in Jakarta are very crowded, they are not designed for people to go by feet or for people with bikes, so the accident happened and my dad fell from his bike, having bruises on his left elbow. My dad's comment after the accident was, "So this is what it cost me for not being able to move my neck like I used to." (He's a very simple, down to earth person if I may say :D ).

So I asked my angels, how is it possible for me to help heal my dad's neck problem? Because he had gone to doctors, tried therapies, and even got his neck massaged several times. None worked thoroughly, it got better for a while and then it would hurt again. And somehow the angels lead me to qi gong :)

Have you ever heard of qi gong? It's some kind of exercise, done in slow motion. It helps to improve your health, vitality, physical conditions, and lessen your stress. It's originated around 5000 years ago in China. Qi means life force energy, and Gong means work in a skillful way. So qi gong means to work in a skillful way with your life force energy. If you want to know more about qi gong, I suggest you to go to Lee Holden's page right here.

This is a bit out of topic, but I really admire you westerners who come far away to these distant lands and committed your time and energy to learn great but 'foreign' stuff. And moreover, you share your knowledge again to more and more people around the world. I mean, I am an Asian, but I eventually learn all this stuff about qi gong, meditation, angels, and chakra from you guys. I always thought that you westerners are really great explorers and eager learners. So, bravo to that! I'm so grateful for all the wonderful work that you give to the world :)

Anyways, I'm going to give Lee's qi gong series to my dad. I surely hope my dad will heal soon :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Angel Numbers

Hi guys,
it's been a while since my last post :)

I'm continuing my post about how to communicate with your angels and guides. To tell you the truth I'm so interested with my angels that I haven't really explored my other guides :) I just read that they could be your deceased loved ones or close relatives that already passed on, nature spirits that connect you to the earth, and even animal spirit guides.

The easiest way to connect to my angels is through numbers. That's easy because I have this marvelous pocket book Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue with me :) You can get a copy here. I keep on recommending this site because it offers free delivery worldwide, which is important if you're living "far away" or "half way around the world" as some of my friends in Canada once said to me. The shipping fee can cost you the same price as the book you purchased (or even more).

Okay, so one day I was browsing about this angel numbers on the internet, and I read the summary of what 111, 222..., 999 meant. When I was driving home after that, I was asking my angel, am I going to be able to communicate with you clearly one day? I mean, by hearing you or seeing you like clairvoyants do. And please give me a sign in this real world that I can understand. 

So I kept on driving, it was almost 2 o'clock in the morning because it was deadline day at the office, the road was dark (I guessed they had all the street lights turned off at that time of day), and suddenly there it was. I saw this giant billboard, the only one that still had its lights on, so you know, it was like in a play or something where the whole stage was dark and this spot light from the top focusing on one player or object below.
And the number was gigantic: 999. Later I found out that it was a promotional billboard of a hypermart, promoting I didn't know what for the price of Rp999 (1USD = 11.500Rp/Rupiah, Indonesian money currency).

Oh my God! That was my first reaction to find that number on the billboard. I still remember freshly in my mind what 999 meant, since I had just read about it like an hour before! So it said: you have passed a chapter of your life, and now it's time to start a new one. So get to work, Lightworker! No more delays for the world needs your very important Divine life purpose.

How would I describe my feelings at the moment? I was overwhelmed that my angels really replied, and then I doubted also, but then how could I not trust that it was my guardian angels? Was that just a coincidence? But then, there's no such things as coincidences, aren't there? So I decided that it was my guardian angels communicating with me, because I asked them to like 5 minutes before :)

Since then, I've always asked my angels for everything. Once I asked, should I be pregnant again, because I've always wanted to have a baby girl. And there was no answer. So I tried asking the question again like on the next day, and still no answer. Trying not to be disappointed, I asked, why don't you answer me? 
That evening, when I was listening to an interview (I forgot whose it was because I was listening and working at the same time), suddenly I heard the interviewee said "If you have a question unanswered, that means it is not yet the time for you to think about it and decide." (Just say it with me: Oh My God! ^_^). Since then I've never again dared to doubt my angels :)

Above this post is the pic of a rainbow showing up in front of my house the other day. A rainbow is said to be a sign from the Divine that a promise would be fulfilled soon. So I have my fingers crossed for it :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Angel, Rico

As I promised, today I'm writing about angels messages. Are you excited? :p

I first met my angel when I was doing Christie Marie Sheldon's meditation of connecting to your guides and angels. You can find Christie's home course program Love or Above here. 

As I asked my angel to emerge, this picture of an angel like the one you find in church's murals began to form in my mind. He was wearing a white robe, with a pair of wings at his back. His hair was a little longer than his shoulder, and it's blonde and curly. He's really typical, you know :) When I asked him his name, the word Rico popped up in my head. Kind of strange, Rico The Angel. But, anyways... :p

When Christie's meditation told me to ask Rico to stand next to me, he did. He didn't stand, but actually he was kneeling down right next to my chair. I was really surprised because at first I thought that he was tiny (like the pic in the mural), but it turned out that he was BIG. When he was kneeling beside me he was even taller than I was sitting down! I was so surprised that I jumped out of my meditation and looked to my right (where he knelt by me in the meditation). It kind of ruined the whole meditation though, lol.

I caught a glimpse before I actually jumped to my feet, that he had this white face, a bit kind of made of gypsum with really nice nose, his blonde curly hair was shining like in a shampoo commercial, and his wings' feathers (though I didn't touch them) looked very smooth, soft, and shiny also :)

Oh and about a week after that, maybe he knew that I was laughing at his name, but I heard this on the radio that the name Rico was actually meant "rich" in Spanish. So I assumed that he was sent to me because I had been asking for so many guidance around money and abundance :p and that he's here to help me with that.

Anyways, after that I've been asking Rico for so many questions, guidance, and you name it... any kind of help in mostly everything :p Hey, if there's always somebody who is more than able to help, why not ask him for help? Besides, his help has always been the works of wonder if I may say. 

I also continue to look for more info about angels and found Doreen Virtue's wonderful work. You might want to check it out here. From her I found out so many things, like how the angels are communicating with us, and yes, something you heard out of the blue in a radio show is one of an angel's ways to communicate :) so I'm really thrilled!

After asking Rico something, I usually ask him to give me a sign in the 'real world' that I can really understand, and then just really trust myself about it. To my experience, the signs are usually pretty clear, you can get it from anywhere, but it just click perfectly to the question that you've asked. Moreover, Doreen told in her books that angels communicate with us through repetitive number sequences which keeps on showing in your life. They also know our favorite numbers. So if you see 111, 222, etc. over and over again, you might want to look for the meaning of it, which you can find right here. Or also in Doreen's book Angel Numbers 101. Click here to get a copy of it.

More about angels coming up in my next posts :) Bye for now!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

When Fear Get Me

To tell you the truth it's reading the stats of my blog that's pumping my spirit to going on writing. In the stats I can see how many people are visiting today, and which posts were read the most. So thank you so much for visiting and reading my posts ^_^

Somehow I got this idea to write something about fear today :)

You wouldn't believe me as I write that sentence above, my son's teacher is calling me from school, saying that it's been 45 minutes since school was over, and there's still nobody showing up to pick up Rafa. Because my husband and I both work, we have somebody (Mr. Ray) to pick up our son regularly from school, and somehow today he is late. I'm so worried that Rafa is all alone at school, and the teachers couldn't wait much longer until he's picked up. You know, all the bad and worst scenarios start playing in my head. After making sure that Mr. Ray is already on his way to pick up my son, I can do nothing but wait. I feel helpless. I'm paralyzed. That's just how much fear can get me.

During those heart pounding moments I remember that this morning I got this angel message, saying that I should give any stress or worries to the angels, who are helping me with my everyday concerns. I wonder if the message has something to do with my son. Earlier I thought that the message has something to do with a project I've been doing.
Anyways, the angel messages are always accurate :) And how did I get the messages, you ask? I'll tell you later in my next post ;)

And I also remember Harv Eker saying: you should stop letting fear rule your life. You should act in spite of fear, in spite of uncertainty, and in spite of discomfort. Get his powerful book Secrets of The Millionaire Mind here.

So I take several deep breaths, I delete negative thoughts from my mind, and I begin to calm down. After some time, I call home, and my son has arrived safe and sound. Thank you, angels!

By the way, I forget what it was that I wanted to write before Rafa's teacher called. Something about fear. Oh well... I'll try to remember it later. Until next time! :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-


Monday, August 19, 2013

Did You Know?

Hi guys,
today I'd like to share with you a little about Mantra.
As a child I remember when I was playing witch with my cousins, saying a mantra to someone is like casting a spell or bewitched someone. That is our belief (I think) in Indonesia.

Actually, this is the meaning of a mantra:
Man --> to think
Tra  --> tool

So a mantra means a tool of thought, or a tool to shape your mind. If I may say, it's similar to an affirmation, that when you repeat it over and over again, it will shape the content of your mind.

For a start, try this simple mantra of: thank you, or I completely accept and love myself. 
I'm sure soon after you'll be a much happier person :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Wisdom of A Great Teacher

I watched an interview with Coach John Wooden the other day, and somehow his wisdom stick with me. I suggest you watch it too because it's really profound and beautiful :)

He coined the meaning of success as:  
peace of mind attained only through self satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you're capable.

He also came up with The Pyramid of Success, so just go here to check it out. 
Below is one of the beautiful poems he recited in the interview. I love it so much I want to share this with you:

The Road Ahead or the Road Behind
~George Moriarty~

Sometimes I think the Fates must grin 
as we denounce them and insist 
the only reason we can't win, 
is the Fates themselves that miss. 

Yet there lives on the ancient claim: 
we win or lose within ourselves. 
The shining trophies on our shelves 
can never win tomorrow's game. 

You and I know deeper down, 
there's always a chance to win the crown. 
But when we fail to give our best, 
we simply haven't met the test, 
of giving all and saving none 
until the game is really won
of showing what is meant by grit
of playing through when others quit
of playing through, not letting up. 
It's bearing down that wins the cup. 
Of dreaming there's a goal ahead
of hoping when our dreams are dead 
of praying when our hopes have fled. 

Yet losing, not afraid to fall, 
if bravely we have given all. 
For who can ask more of a man 
than giving all within his span. 

Giving all, it seems to me, 
is not so far from victory. 
And so the Fates are seldom wrong, 
no matter how they twist and wind. 

It's you and I who make our fates -- 
we open up or close the gates 
on the road ahead or the road behind.

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

A Simple Thank You

Do you have a problem receiving? Many of us would answer that straight away, "Of course not! I'm totally open to the universe and so ready to receive."
Well... look again carefully. 

How many times have we turned down even the smallest compliment from others? For example, when your colleague at work saying, "Wow you really look nice today. New dress?" and you would reply, "Oh you mean this old thing? No... it's not even new!" :)
How about turning down money?

I live in the suburbs of Jakarta, it's about 14 miles from home to the office. Some of my office mates are also living in the same area, so you know, many times we give each other rides home. With all the traffic we have in Jakarta, it's always best to take the toll road rather than going through the regular road. And the thing with toll road is, that you've got to pay :) 

Well anyways, one day a friend from office was coming home with me in my car, and when it was near the gate where we had to pay, she offered me money. Automatically, I turned down her money and say, "No, no, it's okay, I got it covered." Then she tried to kind of shovel her money to my hands and I turned it down even more.

You see... it's a form of saying to the universe that you don't want to receive. You have this judgement around what kind of money you can accept, or which kind of money you should say no to. You also say that you just don't deserve this, please take it back. And because the universe is really kind to you, it's giving what you're asking: take this back, I don't want it. Perhaps in some ways the universe is even confused with you, because one time you said you wanted to receive, but another time you said take it back :p

It'll be a lot better if the next time the universe is giving you something, either it's a compliment, or money, or whatever, and this habit of making yourself small is already at the tip of your mouth, just stop for like 2 seconds, and then say, "Thank you" (and I bet a second later you'll find yourself smiling).

Yes people, just a simple but powerful thank you would definitely do it. Thank you for saying this nice things to me, thank you for giving me money through my work and the people around me, thank you for the love and the abundance in my life. And yes, I'm ready to receive more from the universe!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Have Both

"Which candy do you want, strawberry or chocolate? Pick one and give the other one to your brother!" That was my mom saying when I was just a little girl. Never had she told me to have both. I always had to pick just one, either this or that. I was even considered lucky to be the first to pick!

Somehow that little girl never had the nerve to ask for both, because I knew my mom would say that I had to learn to share with my brother, or even worse... she would call me greedy. A good girl like me would never want to be called greedy, ever! 

Then I grow up and somehow this candy-itis is still following me :)
So I always pick either this or that for everything, such as: is it me or my son to take the piano lesson? Paying college tuition or buying mutual funds? Going on a vacation or buying all 4 new tires for the car?

Well you see, all the this or that's which showed up in my life were actually both important. It would be awesome not to have to choose between them, but to have them both! I mean, how wonderful if both me and my son take piano lessons together? (in different classes, of course). How great if I can pay the college tuition AND buy the mutual funds! Plus, a vacation and tires for the car are both important. So yes, I want them both, please!

I learned this eye opener, mind changing lesson from T. Harv Eker in his book Secrets of The Millionaire Mind. You can buy a copy here. He said that poor people always think either/or, while rich people think to have them both. From now on, start practicing to ask yourself "How can I have or do both?" instead of limiting yourself by choosing only to have either this or that :)

My question to you, do you trust yourself enough that you're capable to always have both? 
Let's say it together: YESSS! :)

Many blessings, peace and love,

-angel apprentice-

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

[Dont' ever be a] Crap Magnet

I was going to write about something else today, but this morning my friend was sending me a text. She is in her vacation in Bali for a week, and today is like her third day there. First day when she arrived, I sent her a text, asking how's she doing, so envy her having such a great vacay in Bali, etc. And she replied, you know what, the plane got delayed for an hour, my room is too small, and the weather is too hot. (I'd really like to shout: what do you mean the weather is TOO hot? It's Bali for God's sake!).

This morning, her text was: my husband somehow rented a car with broken air conditioner, I'm all sweat and had to yell at like half a dozen of people to get the car switched to the one with working AC. (This time I'd like to go: phew! and wipe off my sweat from my forehead :D)

Anyways, I'd like to remind you that what you focus on will expand, so... when you 'crap' a lot, you would likely become a 'crap magnet'. I sort of think that is exactly what's going on with my poor friend and her vacation in the island of the gods (Bali's nickname). Instead of enjoying her marvelous vacation with her hubby, she somehow managed to find flaws and defects in everything, and the vacay turned into a disaster :p

The other day I was reading an article in my other friend's blog about manifesting faster, and I read beneath the article several comments which said thank you, you're doing a great job, what great tips you shared, and other positive comments. But there was this one comment, which was longer than the article itself, arguing on everything that my friend wrote, saying what full of sh** your tips were, didn't you know for someone like me it's hard enough to put food on the table everyday, how many mouths did I have to feed, and with the economy, it's even harder to find a job, yada yada yada.

So I asked my friend, why did you leave a comment like that on your blog? Didn't you want to delete it? And she answered, well.. I'd like to keep it authentic, there will always be good and bad comments from people, it's not like you can please everybody. Besides, open minded people like you and the rest of the guys that read my blog would already know the answer why this person remained broke all this time, it's because he complained so much!

You see, when you complain, it's like saying to the universe that you are powerless, and that you are a victim. What T. Harv Eker had to say about victims are: There is no such thing as a really rich victim. That makes you just don't want to be victims ever, right? :) 

So the next time you find yourself complaining, try putting your finger and slide it accross your neck, like you're slitting your throat, because (another quote from Mr. Eker): Complaining is the absolute worst possible thing you could do for your health or your wealth. The worst!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Monday, August 12, 2013

Value Your Gifts

Hi guys, last week was this most festive season in Indonesia. We celebrated the Eid Mubarak like there's no other holiday throughout the year, so last week was my time off from writing also :)

Today I'm writing about some money myths that are 'haunting' service-based businesses and heart-centered entrepreneurs. I got this from Pamela Bruner in The Tapping World Summit 2013. You can check more of Pamela's work here.

So here they are, the famous money myths that we all are familiar with:

1. These are my gifts, I should give them away
You're saying: I love doing these things, they're so easy and fun for me to do. I don't want to charge people so much for these! But actually, it's your fear's saying: I'll be seen as greedy or not thankful for my gifts if I charge more or charge a fair amount for them.
You can re-frame it to this: 
If you believe that God or the universe is really abundant, maybe the easiest way to shower you with abundance is through your gifts. Use them and be rewarded for them. (Definitely an aha! moment for me).

2. Cheaper is better
Yep, the society keeps on repeating that the cheaper is the better.
Here is the re-frame to that: 
People value what they paid for. They put attention and intention to it. So by raising your rates you're saying that this is important, this is something to put your attention to. And for your clients, you're so worth investing in :) 

3. I can't increase my rates, no one would pay for it
Again, it's your fear speaking :p
Do this re-frame instead of giving in to your fear: 
Everyone has different money set point, so when for example A says $100 is expensive, maybe B would say that $100 is a fair amount, and so on. So you should target to people with higher money set point and people who are more willing to invest in themselves through you :)

More over, you can make several programs to reach both people with higher and lower money set points. So then you can even serve more people. Cool, isn't it? :)    

Many blessings, peace and love, 
-angel apprentice-

Sunday, August 11, 2013

About Giving

I told you before that I used to ask the wrong questions to the universe, questions such as: why am I so broke, why do these bills keep on coming, and so on. So, you guess it right, at the time I was really broke and had all the bills piling up. Because that sense of lack, I was holding on so tight to my money, not wanting to lose even a dime. 

I remember one time when I attended my friend's funeral, I asked my other friend that was coming with me, "Should we give money?" 
(Here in Indonesia we have a custom to give  money to the deceased's family to show our condolences. I don't know whether you guys have the same thing or not in your country, but here we're provided with a box, so we can put our condolences money inside the box). 
My friend looked at me and said sharply, "Well yeah we should." And I still continued, "I mean he was our good dear friend, if he were still alive I doubt he would take money from us."  I looked up and my friend kinda gave me this shocked look on her face, so I managed to pull out my purse and donated some money anyways :D  What a cheapskate I was hahaha.... shame on me, I know.

Well, I'm glad (and proud) to tell you that my cheapskate time has ended, because I just learned how to GIVE. I almost can hear you ask me right now, you just learned to give? Where have you been all this time? And my answer would be: just don't ask :) 

To tell you the truth I didn't change from this person who held on to her money so tightly to this person who's able to give in just a second. It just happened that every teachings, every books, every teachers, every guru.... they were suggesting the same thing, that is to give. So I thought, maybe I should really try this (yea people, I have a head made of stone.. or was it of steel? :P )
Here are some of those teachings that somehow found their way to stick in my stone head:

  • You don't have to bargain so much for something, for the universe is abundant, nobody is taking anything from you, and you're not taking anything from anybody (from Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich). 
  • You are the gift you give to the world (Christie Marie Sheldon). 
  • This whole life's journey is not always about you, it's about you finding your way to serve others; and, 
  • Giving and receiving are two sides of a coin. It's like yin and yang, hot and cold, left or right. Without left, there won't be any right (T. Harv Eker). 
Robert Kiyosaki said that every time a paycheck arrives, you should pay yourself first, which means that you must put aside 10% for tithing (charity or community donation), 10% for investing, and 10% for saving. Only after that you may pay your bills, pay for rent, food, clothes, etc. (You can find Mr. Kiyosaki's great books here).

So I've been doing this for some time now, but it's more like around 5-7% for me. I think what Robert taught was more than just about the money, it's actually to appreciate yourself and be thankful for all this wonderful stuff that comes to your life, including your income. Before I read one of Mr. Kiyosaki's books I was putting myself at the very last in the list, so I would pay everything first, then had the leftovers (which was not so much) for myself. What if after I pay myself, there won't be any left to pay the bills? Robert said then it will push you to look for more income :)  What a great idea!

Well you know what, after doing some giving to the community, I felt really good and fulfilled! And not that I'm telling you to expect any return when you give, but it does return to you exponentially. It's just the law of our nature that the more we give, the more we will receive. When we give so much, there shouldn't be any worries about from where we would receive, because it can come literally from anywhere! So just take it from me, from one cheapskate to a reluctant giver... now I'm trying to get used to give as often as I could :) 

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

A Declaration

I have never considered myself as a motivational book person. Over the years novels were my very best friends, so I have literally tons of romance novels which I collected since junior high. So how did all these motivational readings and teachings fall on to my lap, I really should 'blame' it to the universe or the divine :) It's really the answer to my questions of how to be more of who I am, and how be more of service to others.

Anyways, to really put the teachings into practice in my daily life is another story. Although I'm pretty sure that I'm committed to success, often I still find myself procrastinate a lot, and fall to the same old habits of over spending. The results of these are already showing in my life, I just lost a really good chance of house investment because I was too afraid to call the guy who owned the property and made an offer. 

I was doing this game of thinking a lot (and I mean A LOT), like whether it was a good decision to make, or would this investment drain my savings. I was thinking what if this guy rejected my offer, or what if he said yes, what would i do? Then I began to ask for advice from my friends, and considered all the advice I got again. It was like this circle over and over again in my head! 

I was hesitating so much and put sooooo many considerations, that at some point a new awareness began to emerge in my mind: oh wow, it turned out to be that I had all this fear inside me. I think it was Robert Kiyosaki that said to beat our fear is just to DO what it is that we're so frightened about. Just do it, because everything has no meaning unless you put the meaning to it. So I decided to look fear in the eye and called the owner of the house. And yes, the house was already taken by somebody else :(

I really got the point of what they say: just ACT! I knew deep down inside that it was a very good investment to make, yet I hesitated because I fear so much. Even now when I look back to all my what if's I feel ridiculous. I really need to fix this so it won't happen again in the future.

So be my witness, for I'm making a declaration to myself, just like what T. Harv Eker taught in his book Secrets of The Millionaire Mind which you can find here. He said that a declaration is a positive statement you say out loud emphatically, to make it vibrate throughout every cells of your body. It sends the message to the universe and to your unconscious mind as well. A declaration is not stating that it's already true right now (like affirmation does), but it's stating that this is true in the future. 

So here's my declaration: 
(put my hands on my heart) I choose to adopt new thinking that support my happiness and success. (Then put my index finger on my forehead): I have a millionaire mind.

Do this for 30 days in the morning and evening, and hopefully you'll be ready to rock your world! :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Do What You Love

Many times I listened to interviews with financial planners and spiritual teachers... and all of them suggested that you should find your life's PASSION. Do what it is that you love the most, and income will follow. To tell you the truth, at that moment I didn't know what my passion was hehehe... So I began to put a list inside my head (mostly I listened to these interviews while I was driving), of all the things I enjoyed doing so far. I wasn't sure how these stuffs can help making income coming to my pocket, but I listed them anyways. So here's my list:
  • I love reading books
  • I love to sing (I actually sang in church choirs)
  • I love music
  • I love writing (my obsession since teenager was to publish a romance novel) :p

So, is it really possible to make income flowing from your dreams, your hobbies, or the things that you love to do? Yes, it is certainly possible :) Have I done it yet? Mmm... that depends, many times I got this 'thank you money' after I sang in a wedding at church... that kinda counts, right? :p 

Anyways, here are some important tips from Marcia Wieder of the things you should do to monetize your dreams and hobbies:
  • Do what you love
  • Value your gifts
  • Charge what you're worth
  • Have a powerful enrollment conversation
  • Repeat these steps often 

How is it to have a powerful enrollment conversation?
Develop the ability to talk to anyone, any time, any place about your dreams, vision, project, service or business in a way that will inspire them to hire you, even potentially invest in you. 

In a enrollment conversation, you should:

  • explore all possibilities --> don't say that this person is not suitable to help you/to invest in your business until you ASK them. And if they say no, have the courage to ask them why. 
  • be highly intentional
  • let every conversation counts

Marcia actually has this wonderful weekly show which is broadcasted live on the internet. You might want to watch her show sometime, it's really awesome because she's giving different tips to different people with different problems, so it's really a must-see. Visit Marcia Wieder's site here, and you can get THREE wonderful, free e-books about becoming a dreamer and fulfilling your dreams :) 

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Monday, August 5, 2013

Did You Know?

When we are doing yoga, we salute everybody in the class with saying "Namaste".
But did you know what is the meaning of Namaste? 
Before I listened to an interview with Deepak Chopra, I thought it was only a saying similar to "Hello" or "Hi" or the more sophisticated "I salute you" :)

But actually, the meaning is "I bow to the Divinity inside you"

Oh wow. Awesome. Talking about wisdom. Speechless :)

Many blessings, peace and love,

-angel apprentice-

Self Sabotage

Hi guys,
Yesterday at church, the priest was asking a question about which one would you choose, earthly possession, or heavenly possession. I said in whisper to my hubby sitting next to me, of course earthly possession, because we live here and now on earth, and I never heard any dead people still need any possession ha ha ha...

I remembered not so long ago I felt really reluctant to admit that I wanted to be more successful, that I want to be rich in every aspects in my life. It seemed that it's a sin to want more money, more success... it seemed that I was being greedy, and not thankful for what I already had. Now those thoughts are beginning to shift, thanks to all the books and great life coaches out there :)

In spite of all the wishes to be successful, sometimes I still find myself sabotaging my own success. You might never think that you're sabotaging your own success. You might be thinking, why in the world do I sabotage my own success? 

Well, have you ever:
  • Procrastinate --> you avoid doing things to avoid being criticized
  • Played it small --> that you think you're being humble, or you're saying that you don't want any promotion, or no I can't do that, that's not for me.... but actually you're being self protective
  • Blew opportunities --> e.g. by not doing your best at that presentation, or at that job interview, etc.
  • Not wanted to rock the boat --> you don't want to leave your convenient spot, you don't want any change. It's frightening to ever change!
  • Over did stuff --> you over spent your money so your credit card bills are piling up, you over drank, or even being a workaholic that would exhaust yourself and your health.

All the above are examples of how we often self sabotage ourselves. You might want to ask, if I'm sabotaging myself, I must be so afraid of something. I wonder what is it that I'm so afraid of? 

What is it the down side of completing my website? (for example). Well... maybe I'm afraid that somebody would criticize me.
What is the up side of staying where I am right now? Why does it feel safer not to rock the boat and want to change?

Well guys, really ask yourselves all those questions, and when the answer comes to your mind, I surely hope that you're ready to take action to clear your path to success!
I learned this wonderful teaching of success and self sabotage from Carol Look in The Tapping World Summit 2013. Hope this little posting is useful to you :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Ask and It Is Given

Often times I heard myself throwing these questions to the universe:
  • Why does all of my friends get to stay abroad and have a fabulous life?
  • Why does everyone’s salary goes up so quickly, while I’m stuck with no career?
  • Why does it so hard to pay my credit card bills?
  • Why am I so fat?
  • Am I even a good parent to my children?
  • And so on, and so on.

These questions, I found out later on, are the wrong kinds of questions :) 
You see, once you ask a question, it’s like you’re setting the universe (and your mind) in motion to give you the answer. When you ask yourself a negative question, your mind will focus on the negative in that question, so you will most likely get a negative answer! (I hope I hear you say: aha! right here).

So what you need to do is to ask the right questions. Just simply turn a negative question into a positive one!  That way we empower ourselves with that question. I got this powerful mind opener from Noah St. John in Hay House World Summit 2013. He calls this The Afformations. You might want to check his book here.

What you need to do:
  • Ask yourself what you really want.
  • Form a question that assumes what you really want is already true, already a reality.
  • Accept, and give yourself to the question by reading, writing, listening, and saying the question over and over again.
  • Act as if it’s already true.

I’d like to quote Christie Marie Sheldon (I’ll post about Christie’s wonderful work later), that asking a question is like opening the doors (and even windows) of the universe. So if you haven’t achieved your goals, or not getting the results of your dreams, you might want to try to turn things around by reducing all the negativity in your life. 

For a start, try asking yourselves empowering questions that will get you positive results such as: why am I so lucky? Or, why is it so easy for me to make money? Or, why is it so easy for me to lose weight? :D

See how easy that is? It’s so easy that you can even teach your children about this powerful stuff! If you notice, it also feels good inside after you ask yourself a positive question. 

So remember: ask, and it is given to you. That’s how abundant our universe is.

Many blessings, peace and love
-angel apprentice-