Tuesday, August 20, 2013

When Fear Get Me

To tell you the truth it's reading the stats of my blog that's pumping my spirit to going on writing. In the stats I can see how many people are visiting today, and which posts were read the most. So thank you so much for visiting and reading my posts ^_^

Somehow I got this idea to write something about fear today :)

You wouldn't believe me as I write that sentence above, my son's teacher is calling me from school, saying that it's been 45 minutes since school was over, and there's still nobody showing up to pick up Rafa. Because my husband and I both work, we have somebody (Mr. Ray) to pick up our son regularly from school, and somehow today he is late. I'm so worried that Rafa is all alone at school, and the teachers couldn't wait much longer until he's picked up. You know, all the bad and worst scenarios start playing in my head. After making sure that Mr. Ray is already on his way to pick up my son, I can do nothing but wait. I feel helpless. I'm paralyzed. That's just how much fear can get me.

During those heart pounding moments I remember that this morning I got this angel message, saying that I should give any stress or worries to the angels, who are helping me with my everyday concerns. I wonder if the message has something to do with my son. Earlier I thought that the message has something to do with a project I've been doing.
Anyways, the angel messages are always accurate :) And how did I get the messages, you ask? I'll tell you later in my next post ;)

And I also remember Harv Eker saying: you should stop letting fear rule your life. You should act in spite of fear, in spite of uncertainty, and in spite of discomfort. Get his powerful book Secrets of The Millionaire Mind here.

So I take several deep breaths, I delete negative thoughts from my mind, and I begin to calm down. After some time, I call home, and my son has arrived safe and sound. Thank you, angels!

By the way, I forget what it was that I wanted to write before Rafa's teacher called. Something about fear. Oh well... I'll try to remember it later. Until next time! :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-


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