Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Do What You Love

Many times I listened to interviews with financial planners and spiritual teachers... and all of them suggested that you should find your life's PASSION. Do what it is that you love the most, and income will follow. To tell you the truth, at that moment I didn't know what my passion was hehehe... So I began to put a list inside my head (mostly I listened to these interviews while I was driving), of all the things I enjoyed doing so far. I wasn't sure how these stuffs can help making income coming to my pocket, but I listed them anyways. So here's my list:
  • I love reading books
  • I love to sing (I actually sang in church choirs)
  • I love music
  • I love writing (my obsession since teenager was to publish a romance novel) :p

So, is it really possible to make income flowing from your dreams, your hobbies, or the things that you love to do? Yes, it is certainly possible :) Have I done it yet? Mmm... that depends, many times I got this 'thank you money' after I sang in a wedding at church... that kinda counts, right? :p 

Anyways, here are some important tips from Marcia Wieder of the things you should do to monetize your dreams and hobbies:
  • Do what you love
  • Value your gifts
  • Charge what you're worth
  • Have a powerful enrollment conversation
  • Repeat these steps often 

How is it to have a powerful enrollment conversation?
Develop the ability to talk to anyone, any time, any place about your dreams, vision, project, service or business in a way that will inspire them to hire you, even potentially invest in you. 

In a enrollment conversation, you should:

  • explore all possibilities --> don't say that this person is not suitable to help you/to invest in your business until you ASK them. And if they say no, have the courage to ask them why. 
  • be highly intentional
  • let every conversation counts

Marcia actually has this wonderful weekly show which is broadcasted live on the internet. You might want to watch her show sometime, it's really awesome because she's giving different tips to different people with different problems, so it's really a must-see. Visit Marcia Wieder's site here, and you can get THREE wonderful, free e-books about becoming a dreamer and fulfilling your dreams :) 

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-


  1. Nice blog...
    Yes...we must find our life's PASSION...
    because the important to keeping a balance between body, mine and soul.
    With the balance life we can discover who we truly are.
    what our passion is, what we want to be in life, what we'd like to make of our lives.
    thus we would able to value ourselves.

    1. Thanks Lily, your blog is an inspiration also :) Komen di post gue yg jogging dong Li, ada di bulan oktober hehehe... Ikutan lomba blog soale, penilaiannya termasuk komentar2 orang. Thanks before ya, GBU :)
