Thursday, August 15, 2013

Have Both

"Which candy do you want, strawberry or chocolate? Pick one and give the other one to your brother!" That was my mom saying when I was just a little girl. Never had she told me to have both. I always had to pick just one, either this or that. I was even considered lucky to be the first to pick!

Somehow that little girl never had the nerve to ask for both, because I knew my mom would say that I had to learn to share with my brother, or even worse... she would call me greedy. A good girl like me would never want to be called greedy, ever! 

Then I grow up and somehow this candy-itis is still following me :)
So I always pick either this or that for everything, such as: is it me or my son to take the piano lesson? Paying college tuition or buying mutual funds? Going on a vacation or buying all 4 new tires for the car?

Well you see, all the this or that's which showed up in my life were actually both important. It would be awesome not to have to choose between them, but to have them both! I mean, how wonderful if both me and my son take piano lessons together? (in different classes, of course). How great if I can pay the college tuition AND buy the mutual funds! Plus, a vacation and tires for the car are both important. So yes, I want them both, please!

I learned this eye opener, mind changing lesson from T. Harv Eker in his book Secrets of The Millionaire Mind. You can buy a copy here. He said that poor people always think either/or, while rich people think to have them both. From now on, start practicing to ask yourself "How can I have or do both?" instead of limiting yourself by choosing only to have either this or that :)

My question to you, do you trust yourself enough that you're capable to always have both? 
Let's say it together: YESSS! :)

Many blessings, peace and love,

-angel apprentice-

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