Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Angel Numbers

Hi guys,
it's been a while since my last post :)

I'm continuing my post about how to communicate with your angels and guides. To tell you the truth I'm so interested with my angels that I haven't really explored my other guides :) I just read that they could be your deceased loved ones or close relatives that already passed on, nature spirits that connect you to the earth, and even animal spirit guides.

The easiest way to connect to my angels is through numbers. That's easy because I have this marvelous pocket book Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue with me :) You can get a copy here. I keep on recommending this site because it offers free delivery worldwide, which is important if you're living "far away" or "half way around the world" as some of my friends in Canada once said to me. The shipping fee can cost you the same price as the book you purchased (or even more).

Okay, so one day I was browsing about this angel numbers on the internet, and I read the summary of what 111, 222..., 999 meant. When I was driving home after that, I was asking my angel, am I going to be able to communicate with you clearly one day? I mean, by hearing you or seeing you like clairvoyants do. And please give me a sign in this real world that I can understand. 

So I kept on driving, it was almost 2 o'clock in the morning because it was deadline day at the office, the road was dark (I guessed they had all the street lights turned off at that time of day), and suddenly there it was. I saw this giant billboard, the only one that still had its lights on, so you know, it was like in a play or something where the whole stage was dark and this spot light from the top focusing on one player or object below.
And the number was gigantic: 999. Later I found out that it was a promotional billboard of a hypermart, promoting I didn't know what for the price of Rp999 (1USD = 11.500Rp/Rupiah, Indonesian money currency).

Oh my God! That was my first reaction to find that number on the billboard. I still remember freshly in my mind what 999 meant, since I had just read about it like an hour before! So it said: you have passed a chapter of your life, and now it's time to start a new one. So get to work, Lightworker! No more delays for the world needs your very important Divine life purpose.

How would I describe my feelings at the moment? I was overwhelmed that my angels really replied, and then I doubted also, but then how could I not trust that it was my guardian angels? Was that just a coincidence? But then, there's no such things as coincidences, aren't there? So I decided that it was my guardian angels communicating with me, because I asked them to like 5 minutes before :)

Since then, I've always asked my angels for everything. Once I asked, should I be pregnant again, because I've always wanted to have a baby girl. And there was no answer. So I tried asking the question again like on the next day, and still no answer. Trying not to be disappointed, I asked, why don't you answer me? 
That evening, when I was listening to an interview (I forgot whose it was because I was listening and working at the same time), suddenly I heard the interviewee said "If you have a question unanswered, that means it is not yet the time for you to think about it and decide." (Just say it with me: Oh My God! ^_^). Since then I've never again dared to doubt my angels :)

Above this post is the pic of a rainbow showing up in front of my house the other day. A rainbow is said to be a sign from the Divine that a promise would be fulfilled soon. So I have my fingers crossed for it :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

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