Wednesday, December 4, 2013

In very loving memory

At the end of October I lost someone who's so dear to me, my Dad.
I couldn't describe how I felt... I'm just sure that he's in good hands right now, together with Mom :)

Joseph Wieknjo Kanoerdjo (Apr. 4, 1946 - Oct. 30, 2013)

You will always be in my heart, Dad. I love you, and thank you so much for everything. God bless you.

In very loving memory,

-angel apprentice-

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Desire & Destiny

Hi guys,
for those of you who are so into meditation, or just begin to learn meditating, you might want to check another 21 Day Meditation Experience by Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra. 

I highly recommend you to join this invitation, because the last time I joined the program it was totally awesome. The audio recording was great, the meditation was profound and enlightening. This time the theme is "Desire & Destiny" and it will start on November 11, 2013. So hurry up and register here for FREE. 

Don't forget also to join the angel apprentice blog giveaway, please click here or the link below for more info. 
Wherever you are on Earth, you can submit your entry to the giveaway and win the prize. So just go ahead and also tell your friends! Thank you all so much in advance :)

Until next time...

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

See The Perfection

When you see your life right now, what do you see? 
Do you see the successful you, with life so fulfilled, all your dreams and wishes come true? Or do you see a broken you, struggling, kicking and screaming to life, asking miserably: 'why me'?

Well, I have great news for you! Are you ready? Here we go:

Nothing is going wrong in your life. Your life is perfect right now.

Surprised? Don't believe what you're reading? :)
Well... it's true. Your life is perfect right now. In fact, it's never been NOT perfect.
Then what about all those 'disasters' that I had to cope in my life, you might ask.
The explanation is as simple as that, you wouldn't know that you are a being of LIGHT without being in the darkness. You wouldn't know that you are a burning candle if you're always put in the sunlight. So you need all the darkness, the situation of being in the dark, to express more of who you really are :) You need the situation where you can express forgiveness, compassion, understanding, love, and all other wonderful traits that you are.
Beautiful, don't you think? It really can shift your life when you change your way of thinking.

So the next time you are 'put in the dark', don't forget to be grateful. Gratitude is the attitude. Just simply say: thank you, God, for a chance to once again demonstrate who I really am.

If you want what you have, you will ultimately have what you want :)

I learned this profound teaching from Neale Donald Walsch. You might already familiar with Mr. Walsch's bestselling book, Conversations with God. Go here to visit Mr. Walsch's website :) He is also having a 7-week online course which you might want to check out right here.

See you next time!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Friday, October 18, 2013

Turning On Your Intuition

Hi guys,
in this post I'd like to share something that I learned from Sonia Choquette's book, Ask Your Guides, and through her interview in the Hay House World Summit 2013.

So here they are, the 4 steps process to turn on your intuition and make it work:

1. Be open to it.
The first step to turn on your intuition is to open your heart and mind to it. If you shut your heart and mind to your guidance, how can it possibly come to you in the first place, right?

2. Expect it.
Furthermore, you must expect it to happen, expect it to come to you. The more you expect it, the more it will come to you.

3. Trust it, name it.
Here it means that you shouldn't justify it. Just trust it whether you think it's weird or peculiar. Speak your guidance out loud every time you get it, and see how it feels as you do. Sonia said, if you name it, you claim it :)

4. Act on it.
Start to trust your guidance and act on it. Maybe you could try in small ways first until you're more comfortable with it and see the positive results. Just take your time and enjoy! Then you can move on to more serious questions.

Btw, you can check out Sonia's website right here. She also has this new book Tune In, Follow Your Intuition From Fear to Flow that you might want to check out also right here (it's an affiliate link).

So... are you ready to establish an easy and flowing communication with your guides? I certainly hope you are! :)

Oh and don't forget my angel apprentice blog giveaway that you wouldn't want to miss! Please tell your friends also, thanks a bunch before :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Free Delivery on all Books at the Book Depository

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Angel Apprentice Giveaway!

Hi guys,
in a post before this one I was writing in Bahasa (the Indonesian language) about jogging and the running competition held in my neighborhood. For those you who don't speak Bahasa I hope the translate tool on the right of my blog works perfectly :)

I was writing in Bahasa because I entered the post in a blog competition. (To find out more about the competition, please click here). 

Anyways, I need people to comment on my post as one of the terms of the competition, so please feel free to write your comment underneath the "Jogging, My Best Living Moment" post.

As my gratitude to your kindness, I'm giving away this awesome book by Sir Richard Branson, Screw Business As Usual.
HOT, isn't it? Are you excited? ^_^ I know I am because this is my first time giving away something to my blog readers. Yeaaayy!

I will draw your names by November 15th, so make sure you don't miss it, or even better, also tell your friends about it :)

Thanks so much for your time, I can't wait to read your comments!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Monday, October 7, 2013

Jogging, My Best Living Moment

Saya lahir dan dibesarkan di Jakarta. Waktu saya kecil (kira-kira tiga dekade lalu), Jakarta belum sepadat sekarang. Percaya atau tidak, udaranya masih sejuk dan bersih, terlebih di pagi hari. Kicauan burung di pepohonan masih terdengar bersahut-sahutan dengan kokok ayam jantan tetangga. Tidak mengherankan jika pada masa itu keluarga kami punya kebiasaan bangun pagi dan berolahraga di taman dekat rumah. Di situlah saya rutin bersepeda ataupun jogging.

Latihan lari atau jogging memang baik bagi kesehatan, terlebih bila dilakukan di alam bebas. Dalam sebuah studi di tahun 2011 yang dimuat di Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise ditemukan bahwa orang yang berjalan di luar ruangan memiliki langkah lebih cepat, lebih sedikit mengerahkan tenaga, dan mengalami emosi positif lebih banyak daripada mereka yang berjalan di atas treadmill di dalam ruangan. Mantan Presiden AS Ronald Reagan, bahkan pernah berkomentar bahwa kegiatan olahraga di luar ruang “berharga seperti hidup itu sendiri”.

Kini setelah dewasa dan membina rumah tangga, beruntung sekali saya bisa tinggal di sebuah kawasan asri yang geliat pembangunannya berdetak sangat dinamis. Kawasan yang saya maksud adalah BSD City di Tangerang Selatan. Kawasan yang dikembangkan oleh grup properti terkemuka Sinar Mas Land ini telah beberapa kali memenangkan berbagai penghargaan bergengsi, di antaranya Indonesia Green Award 2011 melalui BSD Green Office Park. Kawasan perkantoran ini mendapat penghargaan karena dapat meredam panas matahari, menyerap air hujan, menekan polusi, dan menurunkan suhu lingkungan sehingga produktivitas kerja bisa meningkat. (Klik di sini untuk mengetahui tentang Sinar Mas Land)

My son Rafa and me in front of BSD Green Office Park

Sejak tinggal di kawasan BSD City, saya kembali akrab dengan olahraga jogging. Sebisa mungkin saya menyempatkan diri mampir ke Taman Kota untuk berolahraga selama 30 menit-1 jam selepas mengantarkan si kecil ke sekolah. 

Oleh karena itu saya sangat bersemangat ketika mengetahui bahwa BSD City terpilih menjadi tuan rumah ajang Adidas King of The Road (KOTR) 2013.  KOTR adalah lomba lari yang diadakan di 5 negara di Asia Tenggara: Filipina, Singapura, Thailand, Indonesia, dan Malaysia dengan total pelari yang berpartisipasi sebanyak 33.400 orang. Di Indonesia, Adidas KOTR 2013 mengusung tema “All In For Indonesia” dan diadakan pada Minggu pagi, 29 September yang lalu, dengan titik start/finish di BSD Green Office Park. Ada tiga jarak lari yang dilombakan, yaitu 16,8 km, 10 km, dan 5 km. (Klik di sini untuk mengetahui lebih banyak mengenai event KOTR 2013).

Walaupun saya melakukan jogging just for fun, tapi rasanya menantang juga untuk mengikuti lomba bergengsi bertaraf internasional seperti KOTR.

Adidas King of The Road 2013 banner at the Jakarta-Tangerang toll road

Namun apa mau dikata, ternyata saya terlambat mendaftar sebagai peserta dalam ajang ini :(. Meskipun demikian, tidak surut semangat saya dan keluarga untuk hadir sebagai penonton. Kami bersenang-senang menyaksikan ribuan pelari yang turut berlomba. 

The 10K runners: awesome with their colorful jerseys :)
Could you count how many runners were in this pic?
Warna-warni jersey mereka membuat suasana pagi itu menjadi cerah. Anak saya berjoget-joget mengikuti tabuhan drum para pemusik ketika bendera tanda start siap diangkat. 

Drummers and DJ added spirit to the runners

The 5K runners: here comes the flag

Wow, benar-benar fantastis! Hebatnya, dengan ribuan peserta yang berpartisipasi, lomba tetap bisa berjalan lancar dan seru. Selamat untuk semua peserta, panitia, dan tentu saja para pemenang. Awesome event! Watching this was definitely one of my best living moment!
(Klik di sini untuk mengetahui hasil lengkap lomba).

     Sebagai penutup, berikut sedikit kata-kata penyemangat untuk kita semua agar kita terus memacu diri menjadi lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi:
“If you challenge yourself, you will grow. Your life will change. Your outlook will be positive. It’s not always easy to reach your goals but that’s no reason to stop. Never say die. Say to yourself ‘I can do it. I’ll keep on trying until I win.'
~Richard Branson~

Siap-siap, tahun depan pasti saya tidak akan ketinggalan!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-


Thursday, September 26, 2013

7 Laws of The Universe

Hi guys,
Here are the 7 Laws of The Universe, according to Christy Whitman. You can check out Christy's site here, she is offering this magnificent course to become a life coach. I highly recommend you to go to her site to learn more about this :)

1. Law of attraction
2. Law of deliberate creation
3. Law of allowing
4. Law of sufficiency and abundance
5. Law of pure potentiality
6. Law of detachment
7. Law of polarity

Are you familiar with these laws? I hope you are. We've heard so much of the first law, right? Some other book (correct me if I'm wrong) stated that there are actually 8 laws of the universe. So, I'm not sure which law is missing here :) If you could help or have a say in this topic, please feel free to write in the comment section below. Thanks before ^_^

Many blessings, peace and love,

-angel apprentice-

Friday, September 20, 2013

Ignoring Guidance

Once upon a day, while I was walking from the bus stop to get to the nearest angkot (see pic above), suddenly I had this thought in my mind: the ojek is better. When I passed by some ojeks that are parked on the pavement, the thought came again in my mind: better take the ojek. This time I even felt a happy feeling inside my heart and I couldn't help but smiled.

I continued walking and didn't follow that guidance. Every time after taking the bus I had always taken the angkot, so I got into the first angkot I saw.

At first it was okay, but when we reached this flyover, the road began to ascend steeply and the angkot being full with passangers could not make its way up. So the driver told us to get off the car and walk up until the top of the flyover. The flyover only had a narrow pavement for people to walk, so one by one all 6 or 7 of us walked to the top.

When the angkot finally made it to the top, the driver told us to quickly enter the car again, because the traffic behind it were pretty hectic and people had started to horn angrily. Me, trying as fast as I could to get in, kinda banged the top of my head to the angkot door (it was pretty small door, if you ask me, you need to litterally bend over in half to get in). I got so dizzy and my head hurt so baaaaddddd :'( and some people who were already inside the angkot were trying so hard not to laugh at me :(

From that moment on I made a pledge to never ignore my guides again. I've learnt my lesson well :)

Here is something I got from Sonia Choquette's book, Ask Your Guides:
Part of learning to communicate with your guides is to become fluent in the subtle art of symbols and signs, and respond to them when they show up. The more you recognize them, the more they'll make sense to you.
Furthermore, Sonia stated: Not being receptive to guidance is perhaps the greatest obstacle you'll have to overcome if your want to communicate with your guides. After all, it's hard to receive suggestions if your mind is made up.

I've followed Sonia's work for some time, listened and watched the interviews where she taught mostly about six sensory living. Really love her! You might want to check her site here, or look up for her interview also on Youtube

Until next time, my dear friends!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Monday, September 16, 2013

God is Plenty

Hallo again :)
I'd like to share this powerful prayer for abundance by Dr. Susan Shumsky. You can find more of her wonderful work here. Please say this prayer as if it is your Higher Self speaking, with deep and full intention to every word of it :)

There is plenty for everyone, including myself.
I am enriched and fulfilled, 
Divinely directed and lavishly prospered through the unlimited goodness of God.
I am thriving, wealthy and affluent, within and without.
My good is now flowing to me so richly and fully, 
that I have an abundance of money to spare and share.
God's good circulates freely through my life and prospers me mentally right now.
God is my unfailing source of supply and large sums of money now come to me quickly.
I live on an unlimited income.
Success and prosperity come easily to me right now and always, eternally sustained.
Thank you God, and so it is!

I listened to Dr. Shumsky's interview in Beyond The Ordinary Show, you might also find numerous fantastic teachers in the show right here.

I hope the prayer enlightens your spirit like it did to me, as it left this tingling loving feeling in my heart after I said it :) And watch that beautiful sky, as the sun was almost setting in the pic above. God sure is plenty. I took the pic on my way home from work :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

One Step Closer to Your Dream

Hi guys,
today I'm back with something that I got from Marcia Wieder Show (you might want to attend her weekly show right here). 
Marcia said that the difference between a dream and a fantasy is: ACTION. 
If you have a dream and you do nothing or take no action about it, it will remain a fantasy (really cool idea, huh?) 

One fantastic quote from Dr. Boenjamin Setiawan, founder of Kalbe Farma Tbk, a large pharmaceutical company in Indonesia (as stated in Intisari magazine):
"Many people are too busy talking that they forget to work, so one becomes NATO (No Action, Talk Only), or TANoR (Talk, Action, No Result). What we must embody is TAR, which is Talk, Act, Result"

To take one closer step to your dream, Marcia suggested that we make some projects out of it. What is a project?
  • it's something that you're passionate about
  • it moves you toward your dream
  • it's specific and measurable
  • it can be done in less than one month

What are the steps or the strategies that we should do in order to reach our dream? Here's a really powerful list from Marcia (I love how she always gives this clear step by step to-do lists :D):
  • Write your dream in as much as detail as possible
  • Pick a piece of the dream and turn it into a project
  • Break down the project into action steps
  • Put the action steps in chronological order
  • Identify what resources you need, in what areas do you need any help
  • Do powerful enrollment conversations (more info about it here)
  • Do something every day that shows you are more committed to your dream than to your fear, doubt or reality :)

So, no more delays... Let's begin our first project :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I have a friend who asked me about every new stuff I bought. How much was your house, what was the size of it, how much was your car, how much did it cost you to buy that kind of water heater, and so on, and so on. At first I kind of thought that it was just a friendly thing, you know, to show how much she cared, but eventually she started comparing my stuffs with her stuffs, and she began stating that hers were more expensive or better than mine. One day I bought a camera, the next day she also bought a camera with higher mega pixels. I wasn't even sure if she needed the camera at the time :)

I mean, that's good for my friend to have such beautiful and expensive things, but why saying that hers were better to me, right? When I told my hubby about this, he just said, oh she did that because she was jealous of you. Then I said, what to be jealous about? I thought she said hers were all more expensive than mine. That sort of stated that she had more money than I did. So until now I really don't understand why she did all that :)
Anyways, many times we envy other people when they seem to have more than us. We envy our friend who has bigger salary, better position at the office, or thinner body. We get jealous with people because they have bigger home, better car, or the latest and more sophisticated gadget. 

Instead of feeling jealous of other people's belongings, T. Harv Eker advised us to follow the Huna (the native Hawaiian) tradition that we should bless that which we want.  
So the next time you see a person with a beautiful house that you want, bless that person and bless the house. If you see this gorgeous person riding this gorgeous car, then bless that person and bless the car. If you see this person with a perfect body which you want, bless that person and bless his/her body.

Moreover, Mr. Eker stated:

Jealousy comes from counting others' blessings instead of your own.

So, start counting your own blessings guys, I'm sure we are all abundantly blessed by the universe. That way we'd avoid falling into the trap of jealousy!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice- 

Free Delivery on all Books at the Book Depository

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Get to Work

Having my car put in the body repair shop, I need to get creative to get to work. I live in South Tangerang, which is in the outskirts of Jakarta. And though there are many kinds of transportation means available, getting myself to work and back can be quite tricky :)

During this past 2 weeks I've tried riding in a motorcycle with my hubby, I've tried the bus, train, taxi, omprengan, and ojek. 
Omprengan is a regular car (usually a mini van and it's not a legal transportation mean actually), but many people are using it because it's fast and a lot cheaper than getting yourself in a taxi. The people who use the omprengan gathered around at this meeting point, and there are several omprengans with different routes, so you just take the one that brought you closer to where you live. After the omprengan is full with passengers, then off we go! :) 
Ojek is another mean of transportation which uses a motorcycle. You just tell the driver the address of your destination and hop on, the driver of the ojek will get you there.

In 2 weeks of my "adventure" in using public transportation, I had many bitter-sweet experiences that are priceless. One day I met this senior lady in the bus stop where she politely asked me about my family etc., and she ended up asking me to join her network marketing business (I should've seen that coming!) :) The other day I felt like I almost wrecked my back when my hubby hit a bump on the road with his motorcycle. Another day I found after getting off the train that this shortcut alley to the bus shelter was blocked for construction, so I went round the block for like a half mile away more than I used to. And only yesterday I missed the omprengan so I shared a taxi with 4 other people who also missed the omprengan. All 5 of us were total strangers to each other. (See pic above right, I actually take a pic while I'm in the taxi)

The point of this post is anyways, that I'm so grateful for everything that happens in my life. I'm so proud that I can cope with many kinds of obstacles that came my way, and that we better not judge the people we meet. I mean, they said that Jakarta is a horrible place, where total strangers are best avoided, that there are crime everywhere. But my experience in the streets showed that it wasn't always like that. I met this young lady who gave her bottle of water to 2 thirsty children while waiting for the bus. Strangers showed you where you should stand while you wait for the train (see pic above left), and strangers actually shared taxi with you! So yeah, Jakarta people still have hearts, if you ask me :) Thank God for that!

Another point, is that I love my car and I'm so grateful for it more than ever before :) I hope it can be picked up anytime soon this week *fingers crossed*

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Get Rid of Your "Excess Baggage"

Today I listened to an interview with Jon Gabriel, he has this Gabriel Method to help you lose weight without dieting, exercising, and even pills.

First I was hesitant to listen to this interview. Although I still have this "excess baggage" from my second pregnancy, I don't think I'll be needing a weight loss program that much. But I was glad I tuned in to it anyway, because it turned out to be a fabulous interview with a GREAT visualization that Jon led us into. Finally I decided to listen to the interview TWICE!

So for those of you who are hungry for change, hungry to stay healthy and lose weight at the same time, I recommend you to check out Mr. Gabriel's work here. He said that his program not only can change your weight, but also improve other areas of your life, such as your finances, success, relationships, etc. (I'm actually thinking of buying the program for myself because I really LOVE the visualization section *wink*)

And in case if you're wondering, no I'm not being paid by the people whose work I mentioned in my posts :) (Although I kinda hope that they're giving me their programs for free trial so I can put them into practice and then write more about them, if that's possible ^_^). I sincerely thought their work and teachings are amazing, that I need to share it again with you all. So, enjoy!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Being An Abundant Person

Do you have these personalities to qualify being an abundant person?
Because abundant people:
  1. Focus on what's right in their life.
  2. Looking for the solutions vs the problem.
  3. Thinking of what they can give in the situation.
  4. Take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in their lives.
  5. Admire and support others.
  6. Appreciate everyone around them.
  7. Know that the universe is always supporting them.
Congratulations if you nod your head all the way to number 7, you are now certified as an abundant person! To learn more, please visit Christy Whitman's site right here.

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My First Tarot Deck

I've been wanting to have a Tarot cards deck since high school, so I'm thrilled when my Angel Tarot Cards arrived in the mail last week. They are gorgeous! You can get your own deck here.

Though I'm a big fan of Tarot for its renowned accuracy, I knew nothing about Tarot cards, so to speak. I didn't know what each card means, I didn't know how to do a reading, I wasn't even sure whether I shuffle the cards correctly :)

Here's some info I got so far: basically the Tarot deck consists of 2 parts, the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, while the Minor Arcana consists of 4 suits of fire, water, air and earth. Each suit consists of 14 cards. 

To do a reading, there are several Tarot spreads, such as the Three-Card Spread, The Celtic Cross Spread, The Love Spread, etc.

I tried to do myself and my husband a reading based on the booklet included with my Tarot cards, and just by looking at the meaning of the cards the results of the readings were pretty accurate :) The main obstacle for me to do a reading is that my 2-year-old son keeps on grabbing the cards that I just put down in order. So I need to wait until he's asleep to practice doing a reading.

This morning I find this great site about Tarot reading and learning, which is very helpful and informative for me as a beginner. Thank you Kate for sharing your knowledge with the world. You might want to check Kate's site here

So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to continue practice my Tarot reading :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Friday, August 30, 2013

Messy Me

Yup, that's the look of my desk at the office. I sit kind of in the middle of it, so the left pic is actually at my left arm, and the right pic is at my right arm. In front of me is my dearly beloved computer :) 

I don't even remember when was the last time I cleaned up my desk... perhaps around 6 months ago (please don't frown). But somehow it always gets back looking so messy with piles of stuff everywhere.

According to Lindsay Kenny (you can check her site right here), there are 3 levels of clutter:
  • Level 1: it's just messy with dust everywhere, can be cleaned in an hour or two.
  • Level 2: it's messy and the clutter is also in your environment (your car, office, etc.)
  • Level 3: pathological level, really unsanitary, and can create a health risk (animal poop lying around, dirty dishes, garbage everywhere)

Lindsay said that clutter actually comes from traumatic event or series of traumatic events in your life, such as loss of your loved ones, divorce, bankruptcy, or failure in business. After that life altering event then you just don't care or stop living, so to speak. 
Lindsay also said that clutter is an issue of wanting to be in control. You might say: if I can be in control I wouldn't be surprised if something like that happens again in my life, or if I don't put anything away I would know where everything is. The second sentence really speaks my mind LOUDLY :)

Here comes the juicy part: how to eliminate clutter from your life?
  • Get rid of all the guilt and embarrassment for having the clutter problem.
  • Deal with the cause.
  • Write down what you want, how your life would be different, and how would you feel. For example: I want beautiful house, or clean, neat, orderly environment which will make me feel good and confident.

After hearing this information from The Tapping World Summit 2013 (you might want to check the site here), I assumed that I stand at level 1 (and don't intend to go to the next level). I remember my best friends gathered up to clean my house before my wedding, and my two best friends from office were actually tidying up my desk while I took my maternity leave several years ago :) So I guess I should dedicate this post to them. Thanks so much Airin, Nyunyu, Jaja, and Alma! I love you guys so much!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Learn Some Movements

I'm so grateful that I have such a wonderful family. My mom was very supportive, she encouraged us a lot to learn many things that I found later in life are actually really useful :). Though I rebelled a lot when I was a kid (they said second child would likely rebel), I had a pretty good, happy childhood. 

My mom passed away of breast cancer about 16 years ago. My dad (he's 70 years old) had 2 times 'mild' stroke in the past 3 years. I called it mild because thank goodness it didn't harm him a lot, he didn't have to stay at the hospital, he just had his hands weaker for some time, but then he soon recovered. The only thing that's still bothering him until today is that he's having a trouble with his neck. It's hard for him to turn his neck to the left and right. 

My dad loved to jog, swim, and cycling trough our neighborhood before the stroke attacks. He did this routine exercise every day, sometimes twice a day in the morning and evening. So you can imagine how miserable he was after the stroke, that he couldn't do his exercise routine for quite some time.  

One day he decided that he was healthy enough to go on his bike, but because it was hard for him to move his neck, he got hit by a bajaj (see pic above). The streets in Jakarta are very crowded, they are not designed for people to go by feet or for people with bikes, so the accident happened and my dad fell from his bike, having bruises on his left elbow. My dad's comment after the accident was, "So this is what it cost me for not being able to move my neck like I used to." (He's a very simple, down to earth person if I may say :D ).

So I asked my angels, how is it possible for me to help heal my dad's neck problem? Because he had gone to doctors, tried therapies, and even got his neck massaged several times. None worked thoroughly, it got better for a while and then it would hurt again. And somehow the angels lead me to qi gong :)

Have you ever heard of qi gong? It's some kind of exercise, done in slow motion. It helps to improve your health, vitality, physical conditions, and lessen your stress. It's originated around 5000 years ago in China. Qi means life force energy, and Gong means work in a skillful way. So qi gong means to work in a skillful way with your life force energy. If you want to know more about qi gong, I suggest you to go to Lee Holden's page right here.

This is a bit out of topic, but I really admire you westerners who come far away to these distant lands and committed your time and energy to learn great but 'foreign' stuff. And moreover, you share your knowledge again to more and more people around the world. I mean, I am an Asian, but I eventually learn all this stuff about qi gong, meditation, angels, and chakra from you guys. I always thought that you westerners are really great explorers and eager learners. So, bravo to that! I'm so grateful for all the wonderful work that you give to the world :)

Anyways, I'm going to give Lee's qi gong series to my dad. I surely hope my dad will heal soon :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Angel Numbers

Hi guys,
it's been a while since my last post :)

I'm continuing my post about how to communicate with your angels and guides. To tell you the truth I'm so interested with my angels that I haven't really explored my other guides :) I just read that they could be your deceased loved ones or close relatives that already passed on, nature spirits that connect you to the earth, and even animal spirit guides.

The easiest way to connect to my angels is through numbers. That's easy because I have this marvelous pocket book Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue with me :) You can get a copy here. I keep on recommending this site because it offers free delivery worldwide, which is important if you're living "far away" or "half way around the world" as some of my friends in Canada once said to me. The shipping fee can cost you the same price as the book you purchased (or even more).

Okay, so one day I was browsing about this angel numbers on the internet, and I read the summary of what 111, 222..., 999 meant. When I was driving home after that, I was asking my angel, am I going to be able to communicate with you clearly one day? I mean, by hearing you or seeing you like clairvoyants do. And please give me a sign in this real world that I can understand. 

So I kept on driving, it was almost 2 o'clock in the morning because it was deadline day at the office, the road was dark (I guessed they had all the street lights turned off at that time of day), and suddenly there it was. I saw this giant billboard, the only one that still had its lights on, so you know, it was like in a play or something where the whole stage was dark and this spot light from the top focusing on one player or object below.
And the number was gigantic: 999. Later I found out that it was a promotional billboard of a hypermart, promoting I didn't know what for the price of Rp999 (1USD = 11.500Rp/Rupiah, Indonesian money currency).

Oh my God! That was my first reaction to find that number on the billboard. I still remember freshly in my mind what 999 meant, since I had just read about it like an hour before! So it said: you have passed a chapter of your life, and now it's time to start a new one. So get to work, Lightworker! No more delays for the world needs your very important Divine life purpose.

How would I describe my feelings at the moment? I was overwhelmed that my angels really replied, and then I doubted also, but then how could I not trust that it was my guardian angels? Was that just a coincidence? But then, there's no such things as coincidences, aren't there? So I decided that it was my guardian angels communicating with me, because I asked them to like 5 minutes before :)

Since then, I've always asked my angels for everything. Once I asked, should I be pregnant again, because I've always wanted to have a baby girl. And there was no answer. So I tried asking the question again like on the next day, and still no answer. Trying not to be disappointed, I asked, why don't you answer me? 
That evening, when I was listening to an interview (I forgot whose it was because I was listening and working at the same time), suddenly I heard the interviewee said "If you have a question unanswered, that means it is not yet the time for you to think about it and decide." (Just say it with me: Oh My God! ^_^). Since then I've never again dared to doubt my angels :)

Above this post is the pic of a rainbow showing up in front of my house the other day. A rainbow is said to be a sign from the Divine that a promise would be fulfilled soon. So I have my fingers crossed for it :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Angel, Rico

As I promised, today I'm writing about angels messages. Are you excited? :p

I first met my angel when I was doing Christie Marie Sheldon's meditation of connecting to your guides and angels. You can find Christie's home course program Love or Above here. 

As I asked my angel to emerge, this picture of an angel like the one you find in church's murals began to form in my mind. He was wearing a white robe, with a pair of wings at his back. His hair was a little longer than his shoulder, and it's blonde and curly. He's really typical, you know :) When I asked him his name, the word Rico popped up in my head. Kind of strange, Rico The Angel. But, anyways... :p

When Christie's meditation told me to ask Rico to stand next to me, he did. He didn't stand, but actually he was kneeling down right next to my chair. I was really surprised because at first I thought that he was tiny (like the pic in the mural), but it turned out that he was BIG. When he was kneeling beside me he was even taller than I was sitting down! I was so surprised that I jumped out of my meditation and looked to my right (where he knelt by me in the meditation). It kind of ruined the whole meditation though, lol.

I caught a glimpse before I actually jumped to my feet, that he had this white face, a bit kind of made of gypsum with really nice nose, his blonde curly hair was shining like in a shampoo commercial, and his wings' feathers (though I didn't touch them) looked very smooth, soft, and shiny also :)

Oh and about a week after that, maybe he knew that I was laughing at his name, but I heard this on the radio that the name Rico was actually meant "rich" in Spanish. So I assumed that he was sent to me because I had been asking for so many guidance around money and abundance :p and that he's here to help me with that.

Anyways, after that I've been asking Rico for so many questions, guidance, and you name it... any kind of help in mostly everything :p Hey, if there's always somebody who is more than able to help, why not ask him for help? Besides, his help has always been the works of wonder if I may say. 

I also continue to look for more info about angels and found Doreen Virtue's wonderful work. You might want to check it out here. From her I found out so many things, like how the angels are communicating with us, and yes, something you heard out of the blue in a radio show is one of an angel's ways to communicate :) so I'm really thrilled!

After asking Rico something, I usually ask him to give me a sign in the 'real world' that I can really understand, and then just really trust myself about it. To my experience, the signs are usually pretty clear, you can get it from anywhere, but it just click perfectly to the question that you've asked. Moreover, Doreen told in her books that angels communicate with us through repetitive number sequences which keeps on showing in your life. They also know our favorite numbers. So if you see 111, 222, etc. over and over again, you might want to look for the meaning of it, which you can find right here. Or also in Doreen's book Angel Numbers 101. Click here to get a copy of it.

More about angels coming up in my next posts :) Bye for now!

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

When Fear Get Me

To tell you the truth it's reading the stats of my blog that's pumping my spirit to going on writing. In the stats I can see how many people are visiting today, and which posts were read the most. So thank you so much for visiting and reading my posts ^_^

Somehow I got this idea to write something about fear today :)

You wouldn't believe me as I write that sentence above, my son's teacher is calling me from school, saying that it's been 45 minutes since school was over, and there's still nobody showing up to pick up Rafa. Because my husband and I both work, we have somebody (Mr. Ray) to pick up our son regularly from school, and somehow today he is late. I'm so worried that Rafa is all alone at school, and the teachers couldn't wait much longer until he's picked up. You know, all the bad and worst scenarios start playing in my head. After making sure that Mr. Ray is already on his way to pick up my son, I can do nothing but wait. I feel helpless. I'm paralyzed. That's just how much fear can get me.

During those heart pounding moments I remember that this morning I got this angel message, saying that I should give any stress or worries to the angels, who are helping me with my everyday concerns. I wonder if the message has something to do with my son. Earlier I thought that the message has something to do with a project I've been doing.
Anyways, the angel messages are always accurate :) And how did I get the messages, you ask? I'll tell you later in my next post ;)

And I also remember Harv Eker saying: you should stop letting fear rule your life. You should act in spite of fear, in spite of uncertainty, and in spite of discomfort. Get his powerful book Secrets of The Millionaire Mind here.

So I take several deep breaths, I delete negative thoughts from my mind, and I begin to calm down. After some time, I call home, and my son has arrived safe and sound. Thank you, angels!

By the way, I forget what it was that I wanted to write before Rafa's teacher called. Something about fear. Oh well... I'll try to remember it later. Until next time! :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-


Monday, August 19, 2013

Did You Know?

Hi guys,
today I'd like to share with you a little about Mantra.
As a child I remember when I was playing witch with my cousins, saying a mantra to someone is like casting a spell or bewitched someone. That is our belief (I think) in Indonesia.

Actually, this is the meaning of a mantra:
Man --> to think
Tra  --> tool

So a mantra means a tool of thought, or a tool to shape your mind. If I may say, it's similar to an affirmation, that when you repeat it over and over again, it will shape the content of your mind.

For a start, try this simple mantra of: thank you, or I completely accept and love myself. 
I'm sure soon after you'll be a much happier person :)

Many blessings, peace and love,
-angel apprentice-